They’re letting us speak in public again. 😯
Come join Seldom Fools Apiculture and learn about the humble honey bee. We can attribute at least one third of each bite of our food to this little pollinator and the important role they play in our daily lives. In recent years, both the domestic and the wild populations have been declining at an alarming rate and no one knows why. What can you do about it? How can you help? Come learn about the honey bee and its place in our society and our lives. After the talk, plant your own native flower seed that bees and other pollinators would appreciate finding in your garden.
Date: April 6, 2014
Time: 2:00pm
Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area, 1641 Perth Rd, Kingston, ON
With a little luck, we may have some spring-like weather too. 🙂