What comes to mind when someone says the word “swarm”? Instant death, right? Bees attack and don’t stop stinging, right? What if I told you that a swarm is generally the least aggressive that you’ll ever seen honeybees? No, seriously. A swarm is the colony’s way of creating a new hive: about half of the workers and the queen leave the …
They’re ALIVE!
Winter is a difficult time for a beekeeper. You can visit the bees, but they don’t come out to play. You can’t open the hive and you certainly aren’t likely to get stung. (Is it weird that I kind of miss that?) You have to satisfy yourself with trying to hear the bees inside. A stethoscope helps in that regard, …
It was way too hot for hive work today
The thought of pulling on the full bee suit, gloves, boots and veil was revolting (the temperature was 24C at 10am), but they had to do it. The swarm hive had to be cleaned up a bit before it got so bad that nothing could be done before Spring. But, Foolish is as Foolish Does, so Greg and Gord suited …
Stepping back, re-tooling, re-thinking, back in beesinus
Hey there, long time no hear. It’s been a tough year for us. We went into winter with 11 hives and came out with none. Yep, we lost everything. We feel every loss like a death in the family, but the one that upsets us the most was our last colony on Simcoe Island. Our survivor bees didn’t make it. That …